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Dear Investor,

We, DNB, are pleased to announce that “FundPartner Solutions (Europe) S.A. (FPSESA)” will be the new Management Company of "DNB Fund" with effective date 1 October 2023. FPSESA is a Pictet Group entity.

This initiative is a continuation of the move announced on 12 October 12 2022 where we switched to FPSESA as our new Fund Administrator and Transfer Agent of "DNB Fund" effective from 18 November 2022.

We see the changes in November last year and the upcoming migration on 1 October 2023 as a combined opportunity to join a boutique service provider with tailor made services, adequate for our select range of sub-funds under the "DNB Fund" umbrella. DNB is proud to partner with Pictet, where 200 years of experience are meeting DNB's values.

Kindly find in the document attached the legal notice informing you about the migration and corresponding changes.

Best Regards,

DNB Asset Management

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Ytterligare information finns i fondens faktablad, informationsbroschyr, halvårsredogörelse och årsberättelse som finns i Kurslistan eller som kan beställas kostnadsfritt från DNB Bank ASA, filial Sverige.