Blog de finanzas
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Finance Blog

Svein Aage Aanes -
Bond markets 2025: Soft landing or new setbacks?
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Knut Johan Hellandsvik -
Global equity market 2025, where will the journey take us?
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Laura Natumi McTavish -
Net potential avoided emissions impact achieved again
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Ingrid Aashildrød -
DNB AM's launches new expectations to companies on Health and Sustainable Food Systems
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Peder Heiberg Sverdrup -
Understanding the Energy Transition in China
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Potential for attractive returns with Nordic high-yield bonds
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Erling Haugan Kise -
Generative AI: These Opportunities are Promising
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Torje Gundersen -
2024 - A soft landing on the horizon?
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Rapid fall in interest rates risks rebound
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Knut Johan Hellandsvik -
2024: Will the Goldilocks Scenario Kick in?
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Peder Heiberg Sverdrup, Aliya Orazalina -
A mirage or a new market? DNB AM visits Saudi Arabia
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Scandinavian High-Yields: Better Positioned Than US and European Bonds
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Rune Sand -
The Healthcare Sector in 2024: Opportunities to Consider
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen -
Geopbytes – Let’s Talk About the Future of Data-Storage
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Nordic High-Yield Bonds: Expect a Yield Premium
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Anders Tandberg-Johansen -
AI: Which Player Will be in the Lead?
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Jessy Coadou -
Video: Nordic Days 2023 in Spain
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Ola Melgård -
DNB AM's investments should contribute to the green transition
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Hans-Marius Lee Ludvigsen -
David vs Goliath: Why Nordic Small Caps are an Interesting Alternative When It Comes to the Wider Market
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Abishek Thepade -
India – An economic superpower in the making
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Kristine Alm Karsrud -
Batteries – Key Enablers of Tomorrows Technology, Energy Transition and Mobility
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Aliya Orazalina -
Do developing countries deserve a negative reputation regarding climate change?
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Hans-Marius Lee Ludvigsen -
A promising symbiosis: small caps and the Nordic market
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Laura Natumi McTavish -
Case study: Commitment to a science-based net zero target using the example of Air Liquide
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Stian Ueland -
Fierce Competition: Manufacturers of Electric Cars from China About to Conquer a Major Part of the Market
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Thomas Furuseth -
DNB SMB «soleklar vinner»
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Christian Rom -
Renewable Energy: More Companies are on Top of The Game
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Mike Judith -
Now is the Time to Get into Tech-Stocks
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Lise Børresen -
Quadrupled: In 2022, DNB Votes Four Times More Often Than in the Year Before
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Lise Børresen, Anne Fauchet -
Entry 239621
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Christian Rom -
Solar Energy Currently On Top in Renewable Energy Sector
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Laura Natumi McTavish -
Going Sustainable: The Successstory of Lenzing
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Banking crisis: A Stop-Sign for the Extreme Rise in Interest Rates?!
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Thomas Furuseth -
Uro i banksektoren
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen -
Starlink & Co: Commercial Space Travel is Growing
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Anders Tandberg-Johansen -
AI: Potential Top-Position for Google
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Hans-Marius Lee Ludvigsen -
This is What the far North Has to Offer - How Nordic Small Caps Deliver Annual Returns of More than 16 Percent
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Benedicte Bakke, Rune Sand, Anesa Mulabecirovic Sahnoun -
Utsikter og trender i helsesektoren i 2023
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Shakeb Syed -
Markedet byr opp til dans - skal vi svinge med?
Leggi di piùAnders Tandberg-Johansen -
Meta Share Gains Importance, Thanks to AI
Leggi di piùAnne Fauchet -
Interview: "Tech and renewable energy sector: Winning the race"
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Svein Aage Aanes -
They’ll be Back in 2023: Fixed-Income!
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen -
Creating sustainable solutions from the oceans
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Isabelle Juillard Thompsen -
COP 27: the ocean finally on the agenda : Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as a tool for climate action
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen -
Autonomous Driving: Robotaxis Shape the Transportation of the Future
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Anders Tandberg-Johansen, Erling Haugan Kise -
Outlook: Technology Stocks Will Outperform the Overall Market in the Long Term
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Positive Signals for Fixed-Income Funds
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Erling Haugan Kise -
Gaming - Looking at a Period of Growth
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Rising Interest in Norway: A Definite Probability
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Mikko Tuomas Ripatti -
Benefiting From Steady Growth in the Nordics
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Mikko Tuomas Ripatti -
Metaverse – into the year 2030 without a smartphone
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Isabelle Juillard Thompsen -
Growth Rate of Marine Economy Two to Three Times Faster Than Other Economies
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen -
The next investment opportunity flies overhead
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Mikko Tuomas Ripatti -
Tech-Strategy: How Investors Tackle the Downturn
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Christian Rom -
Shaping Energy Transition as a Joint Effort
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Isabelle Juillard Thompsen -
Textile Industry Responsible for 20% of Global Water Pollution
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen -
House of Cars
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Sverre Bergland -
So, what's going on with Meta?
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Isabelle Juillard Thompsen -
Investing Sustainably in Clean Water
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Isabelle Juillard Thompsen -
Nachhaltig investieren in sauberes Wasser
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Kjell Morten Hjørnevik, Knut Bakkemyr -
Sentralbankene setter opp rentene
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Isabelle Juillard Thompsen -
Entry 187789
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Nordic High Yield: 2021 – a strong year for credit
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Thomas Furuseth -
Why does carbon footprint not tell us the whole story?
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Laura Natumi McTavish, Isabelle Juillard Thompsen -
Global COP-eration or just “bla bla bla”?
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Anne Fauchet -
Video update: Nordic Investment Grade
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Anne Fauchet -
Video update: Nordic Flexible Bonds
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Anne Fauchet -
Video update: Nordic High Yield Market
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Mike Judith -
This is WHY Greenwashing is a Problem
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Norges Bank starter på en serie av rentehevinger – Quo Vadis obligasjonsfond?
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen -
Why Energy-Costs could drop to zero
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen, Isabelle Juillard Thompsen -
The European Union’s green transition: from words to action?
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen, Isabelle Juillard Thompsen -
- The sea corresponds to the seventh largest economy in the world
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen, Isabelle Juillard Thompsen -
The UN's sustainability goals are guiding points for investments
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Knut Johan Hellandsvik -
What to Expect for the Second Half of 2021
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Janicke Scheele -
New law on Supply Chain Transparency adopted in Parliament
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Anne Fauchet -
Volkswagen is one of the best turnaround stories for the next years
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Hagen-Holger Apel -
Think Value First! - Why substance is also important for tech stocks
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Terje Monsen -
Nordic cross-over
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Janicke Scheele, Karl G. Høgtun -
The COVID-19 crisis has pushed social factors to the front of ESG discussions
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Erling Haugan Kise -
Tech investing: Going from a stay-at-home to a reopening world
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen -
Three companies that are changing our world
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Christian Rom -
Green energy transition: Focus on long-term technological drivers
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Ines Hansson -
The 5G mobile communications revolution: Who will be the winners?
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Nordic High Yield: Roller coaster 2020 leaves a constructive outlook for 2021
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Abishek Thepade -
Emerging Markets Outlook 2021
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Daniel Berg, Lene Våge -
Great year for fallen angels
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen -
En disruptiv verden full av muligheter
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Laura Natumi McTavish -
ESG integration in fixed income: Norwegian utilities
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Mikko Tuomas Ripatti -
Cheap streaming coming to an end
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Nordic FI Outlook
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Knut Johan Hellandsvik -
2021: From Lock-down to Re-opening
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Janicke Scheele -
Dialogue remains key when it comes to ESG
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Erling Haugan Kise -
Gaming all over the place
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Laura Natumi McTavish -
ESG integration in fixed income: Norwegian banks
Leggi di piùKnut Johan Hellandsvik, Svein Aage Aanes, Janicke Scheele -
Part 3 Series: Personal Insights What we can expect in the future...
Leggi di piùAnne Fauchet -
Three perspectives from three experts: Part 2 "Why sustainability is so natural for us..."
Leggi di piùAnne Fauchet -
Three perspectives from three experts: Part 1 "How Corona changed our world of work..."
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Ole Jakob Wold -
The world is new - here is how, but not why
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Laura Natumi McTavish -
A lack of quality and transparency on ESG may have consequences for bond issuers
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Erlend Fredriksen, CFA -
The China Debacle – Will the US Election Outcome Change Anything?
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Ole Jakob Wold -
There’s something rotten in the Value vs Growth discussion
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Kjell Morten Hjørnevik & Knut Bakkemyr -
DNB Financials Absolute Return as a part of the DNB Multi Asset umbrella
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Laura Natumi McTavish -
Do companies with fossil fuel exposure have a place within green funds?
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Ole Jakob Wold -
The Holy Grail in equity markets
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Øyvind Fjell -
Nordic markets beat MSCI even in the Corona period
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Mikko Tuomas Ripatti -
Telecommunications increasingly driving force for technology stocks
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Mikko Tuomas Ripatti -
Why Apple should currently not be part of the portfolio
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Helene Steen -
YOWO- You Only Wear Once
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Hagen-Holger Apel -
It does not always have to be Big Tech
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Erling Haugan Kise -
Are there tendencies to a Technology bubble?
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Tarjei Lode -
VESTAS: It’s a win(d)er
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Hans-Marius Lee Ludvigsen -
Stillfront: Right place, right time
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Janicke Scheele -
Shareholder resolutions – One size does not fit all
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Rune Sand -
Is the market going up or down? Health care is a good choice anyhow
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Henry W. M. Repard -
COVID-19: Short term emissions reductions, long-term focus on social factors?
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Christian Rom -
Delivering on environmental objectives through net potential avoided emissions
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Terje Monsen -
Nordic Bonds – A well-developed market in a stable region
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Jon Sigurdsen -
One man’s waste is another man’s treasure
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Benedicte Bakke -
Biotechnology will shape human life going forward
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Tarjei Lode -
ESG in the Nordics: Going green during market turmoil
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Nordic high yield in the age of corona
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Einar Johansen -
How sensitive is the Norwegian stock market to oil-price volatility?
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Eirik Torbjørn Hauge -
The Corona Crisis – What’s on the other side?
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Jon Sigurdsen -
Corona crisis: Green stimulus is part of the solution
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Abishek Thepade -
China: Coronavirus Pandemic to Economic Recovery - and Beyond
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Anette Hjertø -
5 reasons why the Norwegian market is in a liquidity squeeze
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Erlend Fredriksen, CFA -
Selling stocks now? History objects!
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Knut Bakkemyr -
How are you today, mr. Market?
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Knut Johan Hellandsvik -
Stock Markets and COVID 19: How will this play out?
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Ole Jakob Wold -
VOLATILITY: It's not Panic, but it is Fear
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Henry W. M. Repard -
The labelling of ESG funds: is one standard enough?
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Svein Aage Aanes -
COVID-19: Impacts on the Nordic High Yield Market
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Ole Jakob Wold -
How to verify the Volatility Anomaly in global equities?
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Erik Chr. Hannestad -
How do we design a robust systematic trend strategy?
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Erlend Fredriksen, CFA -
Why did our Emerging Markets fund outperform in 2019?
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Erik Chr. Hannestad -
Has the sun set for trend investing strategies?
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Erik Chr. Hannestad -
What is trend investing, and why do we do it?
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Hans-Marius Lee Ludvigsen -
Nordic small caps: Is the party over?
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Audun Wickstrand Iversen -
Which companies will change the world?
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Ole Jakob Wold -
2019: Equities in a stylish nutshell
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Svein Aage Aanes -
Nordic High Yield: For which investors does it make sense?
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Laura Natumi McTavish -
ESG: Being a responsible investor is no longer limited to excluding sin stocks
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Lene Våge -
Fallen Angels: The last free lunch?
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Ole Jakob Wold -
Why is a low risk portfolio such a great idea?
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Laura Natumi McTavish -
Why should investors care about sustainability?
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Svein Aage Aanes -
5 reasons to invest in Nordic High Yield in 2020
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Erlend Fredriksen, CFA -
Pension reform done. Next on the agenda in Brazil: taxes!
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Shakeb Syed -
MarketView: There’s still some juice left
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Øyvind Fjell -
Why investing in the Nordics is a good idea
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Lena Öberg -
Why allocating to absolute return strategies can benefit a portfolio of traditional assets
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Erlend Fredriksen, CFA -
Chile and the World’s Most Expensive Subway Price Hike: A Lesson in the Intricacies of Global Risks
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Jon Sigurdsen -
Reducing emissions provides new investment opportunities
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Svein Aage Aanes -
The maturation of a market
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Kristin Olausssen -
Responsible investments are high on our agenda
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Hagen-Holger Apel -
DNB High Yield Update October 2019
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Mikko Tuomas Ripatti -
DNB Fund Technology & DNB Fund TMT Absolute Return Update - September 2019
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Jon Sigurdsen -
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Abishek Thepade -
Big bang reforms in India to revive the economy
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Hagen-Holger Apel -
DNB High Yield Update September 2019
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Svein Aage Aanes -
August comment on the Nordic economies
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Laura Natumi McTavish -
The Amazon fires may impact our ambitions to limit climate change
Leggi di piùHagen-Holger Apel -
DNB High Yield Update August 2019
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Svein Aage Aanes -
La force scandinave
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Svein Aage Aanes -
L’obligataire nordique joue la diversification
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Torje Gundersen -
Handelskrig og rentekutt ga børsfall i mai - vi tror ikke dette fortsetter
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Dr. Malte Kirchner -
Nordic markets are drawing investors' attention
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Jon Sigurdsen -
Palm oil can be up to 40 times more polluting than diesel
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Torje Gundersen -
Markedssyn april 2019 - Det blåser på børsen, men vi står han av
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Dr. Malte Kirchner -
Nordische Märkte rücken ins Blickfeld der Investoren
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Torje Gundersen -
Markedssyn februar 2019 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
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Anne Fauchet -
Renaissance of the long/short equity strategies in 2019
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